Falling - Part 1
/I am SOOOO HAPPY to share my first menswear photo shoot with all of you in collaboration with Alejandra Amador Vidal of Imaginale Design with model Alex Lasheen. It was Alex to the third power that's for sure.
The title of this fashion shoot is "Falling." Once you see the video below you'll understand the title more.
Alejandra created these cool magazine layouts to showcase some of our favorite photos. More photos will be coming tomorrow, as well as my styling process and behind the scenes images.
Now check out OUR awesome fashion video, and get a glimpse of more photos and looks...
Falling - Menswear Fashion Lookbook by Imaginale from Ale Amador on Vimeo.
My first ever lookbook motion shoot AND menswear fashion shoot. Concept, photos, and video by me (Imaginale Design), styling by Alexandra of AVE Styles, and model -Alex Lasheen. Song by James Blake -"Limit to Your Love."