Why Blog?


The second half of this year has been a doozy with my marriage ending, my family life changing and getting a full-time job at an agency to support myself. I've shared a lot of my emotions through the process on Instagram, but I have felt lost as to what to do with this blog space. Truthfully, it has felt daunting to try and keep with the blogging pace I had before and to talk about topics that just don't mean much to me in the scheme of this big life shift. 

My blog has always been a place where I write to help others. I love a great before and after reveal just as much as the next person, but what I care about most is changing people's lives with my words and storytelling. So, that's what I'm going to do with this space.

I'm going to take you on my journey of healing, and writing helpful articles on how to navigate divorce, single parenting, brokenness and more. My love of style and home decorating will still very much be present because they are interests that I love. Everything will be a natural extension of how I spending my time and what I passionate about. The big, key change is that emotional healing will be a big part of that too, and that means I'll probably talk about my spirituality and books I'm reading that is helping me through this new season of life. 

I hope you come along with me for this new ride. Happy new year! Let's see where this road takes us!