Gingham Style Party

Earlier, I posted some Instagram moments from my iPhone of Elle and Ryan's joint birthday party (see post here). Today, I'm sharing some beautiful pictures of the day captured by my dear friend Gina of Gina Meola Photography. View More:

Gingham was the inspiration behind this party. My husband wears the pattern all of the time. We took the idea of an in-door picnic and ran with it with some party planning assistance from  my friend Jessica Helgeson. If you know me at all you know that I don't like throwing parties all that much. I love going to them, but definitely not hosting them. I needed some help without a doubt!


My mom flew in for the event and was kind enough to take care of all of the food prep with additional helping hands from my friend, Kim, who drew some pretty chalk art work.


All of the fluffy poufs you see in the photos were made by my sis-in-law Nicky.


So, you might be asking what I actually made...Well, a zillion and one origami cranes, an awesome birthday banner and some runners. I literally patted myself on the back because for a not-so-crafty gal I thought it would pretty good. haha.

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Most importantly, Elle and Ryan had a terrific time, and that's all I wanted. Until next year...

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Color Blocking

Color blocking has made a huge comeback, and you're going to see mannequins dressed in bright color combos throughout your mall if you haven't already. Open up your latest J.Crew or Urban Outfitters catalog, and you'll find it!

Unfamiliar with the term? Basically, it's sectioning off your body with different colors.

You'll see red matched with yellow, lime green paired with royal blue and coral with magenta...the list of unusual fashion color combinations goes on.

With unusual color combinations on the rise, you'll also notice floral prints and plaids falling by the wayside. It's all about solid colors and with the occasional gingham and striped print thrown in.

I'm pretty excited about this because I tend to stick to solid colors anyway. So, all in all color blocking is great in my book! What about you? Are you glad this early 90's trend is back?