Starting A Resolution Revolution with The Giving Keys


There are some things in life that you simply can't pick yourself up from. Sometimes the hurt is too great, and you need to ask for help. 2014 had a lot of pain in it. Henry Cloud said, "We change our behavior when the pain of staying the same becomes greater than the pain of changing." That was the case in my life, and so I put myself in counseling, group therapy and marriage counseling.  There was no way I was going to let pain sit on my heart and kill it slowly - the pain of was too great. I've been waiting for the right time to say something about this journey in counseling, and now it has arrived. I'm sharing this with you in hopes that, you would consider resolving to get your mind and heart to a place of peace for 2015. The reality is that we often can't do that on our own. Without a shadow of a doubt, I know I could not be in this place of hope and peace without the professional help of others.

So, what about this Resolution Revolution with The Giving Keys? Well, The Giving Keys is an inspirational company all about wearing and sharing hope in a fashion forward way. You can read all about their story here, but in a nutshell, The Giving Keys takes old keys that are scratched and scarred, and repurposes them into modern jewelry for men and women to wear. It doesn't stop there though, after you have worn your key for awhile you are encouraged to give it away to someone else that needs to wear that hope. There are all sorts of words that you can put on your key, and I have chosen the word "peace." It's a word I prayed a lot about, and I feel it's the word I meant to wear for the year so that I can share my journey to this place of peace. I by no means am "healed" from the pain, but I'm now equipped with a better understanding of myself and my faith in God so that I can have peace in the midst of the good AND the bad. It's truly a peace that surpasses all understanding that only God can give me.

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Here's what you can do:

2. Create a Pinterest board with your word for 2015 in the title along with the hashtag #ResolutionRevolution. Click here to see mine for an example.

3. Populate the board with inspiration that expresses your word (fashion, food, photography, decor).

4. Share it on Facebook and tag The Giving Keys in your FB post.

The Giving Keys will be selecting a winner from the entries, and that person will win a necklace with their word on it.

Photography by Melissa Jill. Get the Look: T-shirt and jeans from Shop Olive You, blazer from Nordstrom, Necklace from The Giving Keys, boots by Matt Bernson, 


Health & Fitness Goals for 2015


This post is sponsored by Mountainside Fitness.

I know I might be jumping the gun by talking about my New Year's resolutions before Christmas has even happened, but I'm a planner. I just can't help myself. Not to mention, I'm kind of anxious to kiss 2014 good-bye and start fresh. There are many things to be thankful for this year, but emotionally, 2014 has been a hard one for me. So, here are 5 things I'm looking forward to doing in the next year to help my body.

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1| Drink 3 glasses of water a day, every day. I know that doesn't sound like a lot, but I hardly drink any liquids that aren't coffee. I'm dehydrated and I live in the desert. This can't be good for my skin or my body, so I'd like to change that by starting with an attainable and manageable goal of 3 tall glasses of water a day.

2| Run a 5K with my husband. Running a 5K is one of my husband's goals, and so I've made it one of mine as well. I'd love to accomplish such a big goal together.

3| Try TRX classes. I've been really interested in TRX training, and I would love to try out a class. I think it's going to be my new favorite workout style.

4| Try a spin class. I haven't tried a spin classes either. I'm intimidated by them, actually, but it's time to get over that fear.

5| Start using anti-aging products morning and night. All I do for my skin right now is wash it with soap and apply SPF in the morning. I'm starting to notice some deep wrinkles, and it's time to do something about it now.

Photos by Sarah Gray Portraits

Holidays & Family

This week I have retreated to Sedona, Arizona to relax, collect my thoughts, prepare for 2012 and spend quality time with my parents.


I look forward to this week every year because I'm forced to be still and take life slowly up in the mountains where there is nothing to do other than hike and marvel at nature.

Today I spent about two hours alone just looking through old family photo albums. I wanted to find some great pictures of my family to put on my family photo wall (one of my home DIY goals of 2012). It was a simple and powerful reminder of the love, hard work and laughter I come from. It was also motivation to continue to work hard at what I do to provide for my own family.

Do you carve out time to plan and set goals before the new year? Or maybe just reflect on what this past year has brought you?