During the winter months, it's easy to fall into a bit of a style rut. Gravitating again and again to the same coat or sweater and wearing jeans 90% of the time. Whenever I'm feeling like this I turn to Pinterest for inspiration. Winter should be a fun season to dress for, not a bland one. Just think of all the things you could layer...

The outfit below is a perfect example of a unique, layered winter look. (And considering this image has been re-pinned over 325 times, I can't be the only one to think so.) You probably already have a simple black sweater and white button down hiding in your closet, so all you'll need to add is a slim-fitting leather midi skirt, which is also a versatile piece. Plus, this look can take you straight from the office to happy hour! Feel free to add your favorite winter trench coat and switch up the peep toe booties for some closed toe pumps


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blog shoot 1-74web

Everyone has a color that they don't like. For me it has always been purple. I don't know what it is, but I have never warmed up to the color. Magenta is about the closest I can get to the color. What is really interesting is that I'm not alone in my dislike for purple. I often find that people either are obsessed with the color to a crazy degree or they really don't like it either.

Well, up until a couple weeks ago I didn't own anything purple. The closest thing I had was a Marc Jacobs midi skirt with purple feathers on it. LE TOTE sent me this sheer purple floral shirt, something I would never have picked for myself, so I thought I'd give it a whirl.

Well, it turns out purple is growing on me. It still may not be the first color I reach for, but I sure do like this blouse. What about you? Do you have a color that you have never been fond of?

Get the look: blouse, skirt, shoes

Photos by Michelle Herrick