How to Look Web-Cam Ready


In one week I'll be presenting about Pinterest strategies for hundreds of stylish bloggers and business owners for Alt on Topic. I couldn't be more excited to share my Pinterest knowledge, but I'm so nervous about giving a talk online. I've never done it before, and I am just praying I don't have any technical difficulties. One thing that has crossed my mind is what I should wear and how I should dress for my talk. Let's be honest, web cameras make everyone look terrible. Whenever I see my face using Skype and Facetime I just try to look away because I feel like the wide angle distorts my face a bit. After thinking about what to wear and how to impress for my presentation, I decided I needed some help in the makeup department. I asked my dear friend, Stephanie Neieheisel, to show me how to create a face that is web-cam ready, and we thought this would be great advice for all of you too! You can check out the video below, and don't forget to subscribe to her YouTube channel for more makeup tips!

Of course, makeup isn't the only thing that can help you make a great impression. Check out my latest eBay guide sharing accessory tips to help you look great for an online date. And, if you're interested in attending this one day webinar head on over to Instagram to win a ticket to Alt on Topic.