Where Have I Been?

You may have noticed that my blog posts have slowed down in the month of July, and that's because I have been insanely busy with fun projects! YAY! This, of course, means that there will be many more fun posts to come in the month of August. I won't leave you hanging though. Here's a little sneak peak into a couple of photo shoots that I have taken part in this month.

The first shoot was with several friends and a VERY talented designer and photographer. Details will be revealed in September/October. (Behind the scenes pics below)

I also styled a photo shoot for a hair academy that was once Toni & Guy and is now called Brillare. It was an awesome learning experience. (Photos below) Can't wait to share more with you guys.

Tonight I'm off to brainstorm a Marie Antoinette set in modern day times bridal shoot. I'm REALLY excited about that!!! Keep you eyes peeled for the unveiling of all this hard work.