/Handbags are one accessory that is essential for your daily life. You need a place to carry all of your personal belongings, so why not do it in style. There are so many bags to choose from out there, but I want to share with you one handbag company that is changing the lives of families living in Guatemala one bag at a time.
Ixchel Triangle is a company that is committed to supporting and changing the lives of people in Guatemala through creating beautiful, artisan bags that are one of kind. Every person that helps in the making of these bags are paid above market wages, and the children of these families have their education paid for by Ixchel Triangle.
I love that their bags are standout accessories that are HIGH quality. They leather on my bag is strong and durable. The bag even has a leather bottom with metal feet on the bottom to protect it from getting dirty.
For any woman that is about to be a mom or is a mom of little ones, they also offer diaper bags that are the coolest I've ever seen.
I chose to pair my Qas Nim bag with my new chambray embellished tank from TJ Maxx, skinny jeans and my Timberland wedges.
Photos by Rennai Hoefer